From the Green Team: Guilford Residents

The Guilford Board of Selectmen need to hear from Guilford residents to support an ordinance to ban fracking waste.

Email a polite note in support of this ordinance.  A sentence or two in your own words is sufficient.  Here are a few talking points:

  • I support a local ordinance to ban fracking waste and all by products in Guilford.
  • Contamination from toxic and radioactive wastes have occurred in other states, leaving a legacy of unusable land and poisoned wells.
  • Guilford can not afford exorbitant costs of remediation when inevitable spills and accidents occur.
  • Recent studies conclude toxins found in these wastes are highly carcinogenic.
  • The ban on fracking waste is necessary to protect our property values in Guilford
  • The ban on fracking waste will protect public health in Guilford.
  • The State has failed to pass a ban on fracking waste three times.  Language in the current SB 103 is too weak to protect our State and towns, and has many loopholes that render it ineffective.
Address your email to:
First Selectman Hoey, Selectwoman Ruoff, Selectman Havrda, Selectman Federici, Selectwoman Renner.
Send to these two email addresses:  *and*


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