Finance ChaliceOur annual pledge drive will continue until we hear from every member!  SUUS has received 60 pledges that total $147,640!  Thank you for your support and your generosity!

The Pledge Team sent you an email with a form for you to submit with your pledge.  If you didn’t receive it, please click here.  We know there are more important things on your mind these days, but we also know that SUUS must reduce the draw from our Endowment in order to achieve true sustainability. We all need this congregation to be here for us and for future generations.

We are aware that some of you are living with a great deal of uncertainty – whether it’s your job, your health, family or other issues, and it may not be the best time to be asking you to make a major financial commitment. Please know we understand, but we believe it is important we complete the pledge drive.  If your financial situation changes for better or for worse,  you may change your pledge later by contacting our treasurer. We need to hear from everyone!

Stay safe everyone!

With gratitude
Your Pledge Team

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