Celebrate FUNUARY at SUUS!

In the month of February, the focus is often on Valentine’s Day and sweethearts, but our weeks will focus on expanding positive connections with others, not just sweethearts.

“Make a Friend Week” is our first Funuary week from February 1-7. Celebrate by saying hello to someone new – it could be neighbor you haven’t met, that person you usually meet on your walk, or a person standing in the checkout lane at the supermarket (socially distanced, of course). Think of all the people you pass in a week – even now while we are living like hermits, most of us still venture out occasionally. Of course, you could also telephone an acquaintance to get to know that person better.

We humans are social animals, and we need connections with people to feel fulfilled and happy. But sometimes we tend to neglect our old friends, and forget to make new ones. “Make a Friend Week” will inspire you to step out of your comfort zone, meet new people and gain a new friend. Friendships can be for a moment, a season or a lifetime. Studies show that on average people will remain long-term friends with 1 out of every 12 people they befriend. You may not gain a lifetime friend during this week, but even a momentary one is good!

Join us with Rev. Terry at noon at his virtual “Lunch Bunch” on Monday, February 8 and let us know how you celebrated “Make a Friend Week.” If you are not able to attend the lunch you can email Terry (rev@shorelineunitarian.org) and he will pass that on to the group..

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