Update from the Board of Trustees – Jan. 5, 2023

Although Reverend Jade has only been with us a short time, she has been a wonderful respite after such a long period of remote ministry.  From what we can see, she has warmed our hearts, challenged us, and reminded us of what in-person ministry is all about.  Which is a good thing, a healing thing, but as we know, not a forever thing.  She generously answered the call by the UUA to retired ministers to consider returning to serve congregations in need during this time.  Realizing that our congregation is really needing a longer-term ministry, Reverend Jade encouraged us to open a search for a new minister in this current hiring season.  

Knowing deep down she is right, the Board has formed a new minister search team.  The search team members are: Ann Alvarez (Board Secretary), Jere Armen, and Enrique Alvarez. They are conducting a search for a contract minister at 3/4 time, someone willing to be local, in-person and interested in a long-term commitment.  We wish the team well as they get on with their work.

Recently, Arthur Belanger, one of our Board Trustees, has stepped down mid year.  Bill Waltrip has accepted the nomination to join the Board as a Trustee for the remainder of this fiscal year, and if willing would also be on the slate for the coming year.  The Board has accepted the nomination, but we need the congregation to vote to accept the nomination to the Board.  Therefore, we will call a brief Congregational Meeting on January 22nd immediately following the service to secure the vote.  Please mark your calendar to attend that Sunday for the vote and to get an update on the progress of the new minister search.

In Faith, Sue Schaedler & Gary Feder

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