“Give Them Not Hell: The Art of Hope”

What: Our Universalist forbearers preached a message of hope inspired by deep engagement with scripture. In “Give Them Not Hell: The Art of Hope” we’ll look to the visual arts rather than religious texts to inspire and share hope with one another.
When: Sundays from 12pm-1pm
Jan 26, Feb 23, March 23, April 27, May 18
Where: Sanctuary at SUUS
Requirements: Open to SUUS members and friends aged 16 and up. No registration or formal training in art is required. Participants are asked to bring curiosity, an open mind and heart, and a willingness to listen to and share with one another. Attendees are encouraged, but not required, to attend all five sessions.
Questions?: Email Rev. Craig at revcraig@shorelineunitarian.org