JUSTICE OPPORTUNITY: New Postcard Campaign at SUUS & FCC

We have received an invitation from the First Congregational Church (FCC) in Madison to attend their I Care About Climate Change postcard campaign through the Interreligious Eco-Justice Network (IREJN) during their coffee hours on February 9 and 16.

The postcards will go to Governor Lamont, state  Rep. John Michael Parker, and state Senator Christine Cohen. You are asked to please provide your own postcards and stamps. They will provide addresses.

But wait! There’s more! Yann van Heurck has ordered postcards through IREJN so that we can host our own campaign. SUUS will provide postcards, stamps, a sample script, and addresses. We ask that you bring the names and addresses for your state representative and senator as SUUS members come from such a number of districts in the state, and these things changes. Or send your card to that person c/o CT General Assembly, State Capitol, Hartford CT  06106-1562. The date has yet to be determined; however, we should have our kits available in time for the FCC’s February 9 event.Please talk to Jere Armen or Mary Strieff if you are interested in SUUS hosting an event.

Thanks from the Social Justice Committee!

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