Stewardship Thanks You!

Sometimes we forget to say thank you.  We take things for granted and forget that what holds us all together in this community is our staff and volunteers.  So the Stewardship Committee would like to take a moment to say, “Thank you!”

Thank you to all the people that make Sunday services and Religious Education happen – the staff and minister, the worship committee, the teachers, the coffee makers, the coffee hour crew, the greeters, the usher (every week without fail!), the music makers, the members and friends who show up and lend a hand.  And thanks to the visitors for taking a leap of faith and trying us out.

Thank you to all the people that make our events and programs happen that nourish us – the minister, the staff, the volunteers, the committees, the justice teams, the communications and PR team, the sandwich board changers, the basement cleaners, the house and grounds team, the cleaning person, and the part-time sexton.

Thank you to the money counters and the bill payers, the budget people and the finance team.  Thank you to all the leaders – Board, Committee Chairs, and the extra-milers, who work hard to get it right, to make our congregation safe, responsive, and relevant.  We are all working in our own way to make Shoreline UU a community rich in spirit, faith, justice and reason.  Let us recognize those who make it so.

This week, take a moment to say “Thank you” to someone.  It could mean more than you will ever know.



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