If you haven’t signed up for Breeze, please CLICK HERE to enroll.
If you have signed up, CLICK HERE to enter the site.
Breeze is the Shoreline UU database system that tracks our donations, pledges and gifts. It also is where our Member and Friends directory is created with each person’s profile with their contact information.
You have access to your private profile and can update your information, add an emergency contact, upload a picture of you and/or your family, so that our minister and staff know who you are, AND we all will be able to identify each other with a picture directory. NOTE: Please let the office know with a quick email if you have made profile changes…thanks!
Click the GIVING tab on the left sidebar to see your donations, Sunday offerings, and pledges. If you give online, your giving is recorded immediately. If you mail checks to SUUS or put them in the basket on Sundays, it may take up to two weeks for that information to be added to the database. Cash donations can only be recorded if they are put in an envelope with your name on the inside or outside of the envelope.
For more information about online giving, click here.
Having trouble? Contact treasurer@shorelineunitarian.org