Social Justice

What Does Social Justice Do?

Share the Plate

Our Welcoming Congregation

 A Core Value of Unitarian Universalism

Social Justice is not the work of one group alone but of the church as a whole, a core value of all we are and do together, the expression of our Unitarian Universalist Principles – respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all living things; equity and compassion in human relations; the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process; a world community with peace, liberty and justice for all; mindful of the interdependent web of existence.

Unitarian Universalism and social justice coexist because social justice is based in compassion and care for others, as well as a sense that we should all respect the worth of others and our world. Without social justice, our communities would be lacking a sense of peace and fairness that we all strive for.

These are the times that our church was intended for,
to help us act with courage‬ in the face of fear and hate.
~ Chris Crass, Unitarian Universalist

What Does Social Justice Do?

Our congregation supports our Share the Plate Program each week and currently has three active justice teams: Environmental Justice, Food Inequality, and UU the Vote. We also continue to support KIVA, a micro lending organization. Please contact the team leaders listed below if you are interested in joining one. If you would like start your own justice team, contact the SJCT and they will walk you through the process.

In 2023, SUUS added outside flags for more visibility.

UU the Vote has been our focus for the this year. We are now reorganizing to see where our time and energy is needed most. Read the Weekly News for updates.

Environmental Team (Green Team) has targeted several areas of interest:  SUUS Green Team can be proud that our efforts to sign petitions and email state representatives have encouraged a batch of environmentally-friendly bills this year in the CT Assembly: most notably the “Green Monster” bill in the House that sets specific targets for zero-carbon electricity by 2030 Contact Yann vanHeurk

Food Insecurity Team is working to alleviate hunger in our community. Our work continues at the Community Dining Room, Shoreline Food Pantries. SUUS collects food, paper products, toiletries and feminine products to distribute to the pantries and to IRIS.  Contact Barb Francese

Share the Plate Sundays and Outreach Offering

The Share the Plate program aims to embody SUUS’s principles and values by showcasing an organization that we will support each month. By donating 50% of our cash offering each week to a designated charity, we offer our congregation and all who visit SUUS a chance to become aware of the many needs in the area and the opportunity to make a difference in the world. Contact Jere Armen

Organizations SUUS Share the Plate Supports:

  • CT Women Education & Legal Fund
  • Clifford Beers Clinic
  • IRIS
  • Planned Parenthood
  • CT Fund for the Environment
  • Black Lives UU
  • Shoreline Soup Kitchens
  • Hurricane Relief for Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico
  • Amistad Catholic Workers House
  • Operation Fuel
  • Orange Ribbons For Jamie
  • Earthquake relief for Turkey and Syria
  • The Poor People’s Campagin
  • Covenant to Care
  • RE-MEMBER (serving the Pine Ridge Reservation)
  • UUSC for response to Ebola virus epidemic
  • Center for Reproductive Rights
  • National Resources Defense Council
  • UUSC for earthquake relief in Nepal
  • CT Bail Fund
  • Equal Justice Initiative
  • for Ukraine relief
  • Branford Community Dining Room
  • Hawkwing (CT based, serving the Cheyenne River Lakota Sioux Reservation)
  • Fuel assistance in Madison, Branford, Clinton and Guilford
  • Youth Service Opportunities
  • League of Conservation Voters
  • CT Food Bank
  • Call to Care Uganda
  • KIVA
  • Connecticut Climate Crisis 
  • Save the Sound

Our Welcoming Congregation

Shoreline Unitarian is a UUA Welcoming Congregation

SUUS was recognized as a Welcoming Congregation by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) in 1993. This means SUUS commits to being inclusive and expressive of the concerns of GLBTQ persons at every level of congregational life – in worship, in programs, and in social opportunities.

In 2008, with the establishment of the Fred Keefe Endowment Fund, the congregation voted to set aside 10% of grant money available each year to support the LGBTQ community and to educate, advocate, and support all in their struggles with equal rights.  Our congregation held LGBTQ+ movie series in June for many years, worked with Welcoming Congregations of CT to identify Welcoming and Affirming congregations of all faiths, supported True Colors and sent our youth to their conferences at UCONN, hosted PFLAG events, worked for marriage equality in CT with Love Makes a Family, sponsored Pride Day in Madison in 2023, and continue to support the UUA statements of conscience.

Our UUA expects all of its member congregations to be welcoming to individuals and families regardless of sexual or affectional orientation, gender identity or expression, race or ethnicity, ability/disability, class, age, or language and citizenship status.

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