SUUS Tag Sale – JUNE 2

We are collecting furniture pieces, kitchen ware, dishes, tools, toys in good condition, lamps in working order, small appliances in working order, but no electronics, TVs or computers, and no clothing. We will have a book table of current, gently used adult & children’s books, no text books or encyclopedias.

Please clean your goods before dropping off so that our volunteers have less work to do.  If you have larger items it’s best to hold them until the week of May 27th, or bring the day of set up on June 1st.

If you are able to volunteer this weekprior to help sort & price the goods, or set up on the Friday afternoon/evening before the sale, or the day of the sale to help sell or clean up, please let Sue Schaedler know at or 860-857-9459 (call or text)

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