Thank You from Social Justice

Social Action CROP Walk 2015Thanks to your generosity, you at SUUS donated $472 to Church World Service’s CROP Walk for Hunger for its programs to alleviate hunger world-wide. (You know who you are, who emptied the bills in your wallet!)

SUUS families enthusiastically took part in the actual walk, along with many families and individuals (and dogs) from other area places of worship, starting at Jacob’s Beach in Guilford on a lovely October afternoon, and proceeding as far as one wished to go up towards Guilford Green and back. Guilford native and state representative Sean Scanlon and Rabbi Stacy Offner of Temple Beth Tikvah both spoke words of encouragement and thanks. Imbedded in the walk was a map hunt for the children, who searched for clues to seven CWS programs and sites throughout the world planted in various spots along the walk.

To all who donated, we on the Social Justice committee thank you!

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