Final Proposed Congregational Covenant

More than two years ago, the Covenant Tenders Committee began studying our Congregational Covenant to determine if it needed some updating.  We held several town hall meetings and received input from many SUUS members, for which we are so very grateful.  As a result of the committee’s many discussions and reviews, we have come up with a revised Congregational Covenant that we believe truly shows how we at SUUS can keep the chalice flame burning in our hearts.

On November 17, 2019, there will be a congregational meeting during which the revised covenant will be put to a vote by the congregation.  It is printed below for you to review prior to that vote.

Proposed Congregational Covenant

1.       Act with good will and stay in relationship

2.       Listen deeply and assume good intentions

3.       Be open to change

4.       Maintain mutual respect

5.       Take concerns to the person(s) involved

6.       Share strengths, talents, and resources

7.       Support each other in living this covenant

When resolution is elusive, seek help from the Committee on Healthy Relationships

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