Dear SUUS Members,
As we begin the work to prepare for regathering in person for our worship services and other events, we want to collect information from you to help guide us in this regard. Please use this link to sign up for a date and time to join in this conversation.
You will see there are a variety of options to meet both in person and over zoom based on your preference. Please sign up to only one event.
Please consider these questions that we will use as talking points:
- What aspects/activities of the SUUS experience over the past 15 months would you like to see continue as we regather in person?
- Is there anything you would rather not see continue as we regather in person?
- What aspect of pre-shut down life at SUUS are you most looking forward to resuming?
- What concerns you about returning to in-person worship or other activities at SUUS?
- Other ideas or thoughts you would like to share?
- How might you be willing to help with regathering activities (training provided):
- Technical assistance: zoom admin, white board technician
- Lay led worship service production
- Faith Formation leadership or assistance
- Coffee hour set up/clean up
- Assist with preparing minister’s quarters within our building
Each session should have no more than 10 people in each group. Each session should last an hour to an hour and 1/2.The host will lead the group with a scribe from the group capturing the responses, with responses returned to the BoT.The host will ensure that everyone has a chance to speak with equal time and opportunity for all in attendance.Any concerning thoughts or feelings raised during a group session will be referred to Rev Terry and not try to be handled within the group.
In Faith,
Sue Schaedler, Incoming President
SUUS Board of Trustees