The emergence of the delta variant and breakthrough infections, even among fully vaccinated people, require continuing precautions to protect our beloved community. Public health recommendations are in flux and do not address each unique situation. The team’s recommendations reflect a cautious approach to in-person gatherings, with a strong preference for outdoor gatherings and continuing connection through Zoom.
Team: Rev. Terry, Sue Schaedler, Xandi Garino, Chris Jobson, Amy Buckley, Scott Swenson, Enrique Alvarez
Recommendation on gathering in person indoors for worship services
- Our team does not recommend indoor services in the sanctuary given the space limitations and lack of proper ventilation.
- Continue worship services over Zoom for the foreseeable future and offer some type of outdoor worship hybrid option as weather permits.
Recommendation on gathering in person outdoors for worship services
- Social distancing (6 feet) and masks required
- Worship Leaders can take down masks to speak with 12 feet separation
- Vocal Leaders can take down masks to sing with 15 feet separation
Recommendation for attendees singing outdoors
- Attendees can sing with masks on
Recommendation for small group gatherings
- Meeting outdoors is preferred. Masks are required, even when meeting outdoors.
- Social distancing (6 feet) and masks are required if meeting indoors.
Recommendation for children and youth at Faith Formation gatherings in person indoors or out
- Our team does not recommend FF gathering indoors given the space limitation and lack of proper ventilation.
- Outdoors activities should continue, as we did last year, all wearing masks and socially distanced.
Renters of our spaces will be required to follow the same guidelines when using indoor spaces.
Capacity limitations by area, all with masks and distancing:
Sanctuary = 24 people
Fellowship Hall = 16 people
Living Room = 5 people