April Share The Plate – “Lights Out Connecticut”

birds during golden hour

This month, we Share the Plate with Lights Out Connecticut, a growing community of residents, property owners, businesses, nonprofits, and officials in Connecticut working together to protect migratory birds by reducing artificial light during peak periods of bird migration, the weeks of April 1–May 31 and September 1–November 15.

Light pollution has wreaked havoc on the millions of birds that pass through our night sky on their migrations. Artificial light emitted by buildings, street lights, bridges, and other structures can confuse and disorient birds, causing them to land near buildings, crash into windows, and/or circle around for hours until they drop from exhaustion, and fall prey to housecats, resulting in the death of nearly one billion birds each year.

Additionally the organization is working to pass a bill which would turn off non-essential outdoor lighting of state buildings during the peak migratory periods in the year. Please give to the cause, please support the bill, and please consider turning off any non-essential outdoor lighting at your home during the spring migratory period this April and May. To learn more about this organization, click here

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