Shoreline Pop-Up Hikes Forming

A new outdoor opportunity for a spiritual connection with nature and humans is forming! 

If you are interested in leading or participating in a hike, contact Sue Schaedler.

The hike leader will select a date, time, location of a well marked trail that they know, and provide details – difficulty level, duration in miles and time, meet up location to the Communications Team (Sue Schaedler & Mary Strieff) to publicize the hike

Hikes should be publicized a couple of weeks prior to the date. 

Hikes should be suitable for all ages and average ability. 

The hike leader should state if dogs on leashes are welcome on the trail or park chosen. 

Those interested in participating should let the hike leader know if they plan to attend and arrive promptly at the start time. 

Please be sure to wear proper hiking footwear, bring water, hiking poles and snacks if desired. 

Happy Trails!

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