Beloved Conversations—the signature offering of The Fahs Collaborative at Meadville Lombard Theological School—is a program for Unitarian Universalists seeking to embody racial justice as a spiritual practice.
Registration is now open, through the end of February, for the WITHIN program to begin on 12 March, ending on 4 June..
Within focuses on the internal work that each of us needs to do, as we engage personal explorations of race and our work for racial justice. This work is different for white folks and for Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) and Within is done entirely in race-based caucuses/courses. The courses for BIPOC are Gathering Our Selves 1 and Gathering Our Selves 2 and the course for white folks is called Un/Learning for Liberation.
All Within courses include:
- 6 bi-weekly, online Lessons, completed at your own pace, utilizing videos, music, and readings, accompanied by reflection prompts and suggested conversations with a Critical Friend chosen by the participant;
- 6 bi-weekly small group conversations with a Learning Pod of 4-6 other participants from your course, scheduled and facilitated by the small group itself, with a suggested agenda tied to each Lesson( if several members of SUUS take the course this spring we could be in a Learning Pod together); and
- 3 monthly, live Meaning Making Sessions on Zoom, facilitated by the Beloved Conversations Team, with other participants from your course.
To learn more or to register click Beloved Conversations or contact Molly Nolan.