Every day, all day, we are fed a steady diet of news, much of it distressing. In response, some jump right into the thick of things and engage in heated exchanges with friends and strangers alike. Others retreat out of emotional exhaustion or growing cynicism. But there is an another alternative: praying the news.
Members and friends are invited to join Rev. Craig in exploring this alternative response to the tragedy and injustice that permeate the news. Each session we’ll apply and discuss a prayerful (i.e. contemplative) approach to a story from the week’s news with the aim of gaining a deeper perspective on the issues and their impact and to discern potential actions we might take that align with our Unitarian Universalist values and principles.
When: Sunday, 5/5 @ 11:45am
Where: SUUS Living Room
Requirements: An open mind and heart. Willingness/ability to let go of negative associations/experiences or narrow conceptions of the word “prayer”. A minimum of three attendees are required for each session. Registration not required.
Questions: Contact Rev. Craig at revcraig@shorelineunitarian.org