Faith Formation has concluded for 23-24.
We resume on 4 August with a new name, RELIGIOUS EXPLORATION.
The Monday and Friday Faith Formation emails are suspended until we resume worship and programming for children on 4 August.
Through the summer months we hope to collect items for a young family expecting their first child. Grace Quillam, our Nursery attendant, brought the situation to Faith Formation several weeks ago. The young couple are friends of Grace’s family. They are young, cash strapped and having a baby in November. Faith Formation decided to help give them a boost as they welcome their first child.There is a collection bin in Fellowship Hall next to the slatted trunk.
We are collecting:
Diaper Wipes
Diapers from newborn to size 4.
Gently used baby clothes from newborn to 12 months of age for a baby that is due in November.
Baby blankets
Sleep sacks
Gently used or new baby and toddler toys
Baby and toddler books
sound machine
Exersaucer for baby
Baby bottles
Bouncy chair
Floor mat
If you any questions about needed items, you can talk to Grace, our SUUS nursery provider, or Jennifer Swenson.