On Monday, November 13th from 4:30-5:30 all are welcome to meet Jen Siskind of Food & Water Watch and hear how we can help protect food, water and public health from fracking waste contamination. Petitions will be available to sign.
From 5:30 -6:30, stay for the first meeting of this new environmental task force.
All members and friends of SUUS are welcome to attend both sessions.
Here is one thing you can do before next week:
- Go online to ClearviewEnergy.com and sign up for their 100% renewable energy plan, available through Eversource and UI. Cost is comparable to other plans, so why not switch? Increasing demand for renewable energy will encourage more renewable production, reduce cost, and reduce pipeline expansion.
After you’ve signed up, contact Yann van Heurck and let her know! Let’s have SUUS members become 100% renewable!