SUUS Women’s Group

The first meetings of the new women’s groups at SUUS will be next week in the Fellowship Hall – Monday, June 6th from 12-2pm (bring your lunch if you wish) and Saturday, June 11 from 10-12 (bring your coffee or tea).

As of now, the hope is to have 2 meeting time options, but the groups will function very similarly. Since we have busy, unpredictable lives, it would be helpful to have the flexibility to choose between a weekday or other meeting time option certain months.

At next week’s gatherings, we’ll establish a covenant and discuss meeting conventions – frequency and dates of meetings, the need for RSVPs, assuming the leadership roll, etc.

Our first discussion topic will be – What is Life Like for You Now – we are returning to full social settings. Do you have lingering effects of isolation, fear about being too close to other people, or are you just moving on? Whatever you feel and want to share is fine.

We are going to simultaneously try a zoom option for those who will not be attending in person. Here is the information:

Meeting ID: 203 245 8720
Passcode: 2458720

Thanks and please feel free to contact Kathy Helmrich with any additional questions.

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