Please join us this Sunday, December 10 at 10:30 am

Faith Formation Exploration: Children will start the morning with their families in the sanctuary for the first 15 minutes, then go upstairs for class.
The pre-K-6th grade class will be sewing pot holders and making no sew blankets for the Homeless Hospitality Center. We will be getting into the Holiday spirit with cookies, and ornament making.
The 8th and 9th grade class will continue Building Bridges. Building Bridges is a world religions program to deepen youth’s understanding of the dynamic, fascinating, and varied world in which they live. It seeks to broaden their knowledge of humanity and embolden their spiritual search.
Faith Formation
December 10th. Faith Formation Exploration K-6th grade class, and Building Bridges class
December 17th Multigenerational Service Winter Solstice service
December 24th Christmas Eve service. Bring a stuffed animal to the service.
December 31st no FF classes
SOCIAL JUSTICE PROJECT Homeless Hospitality Center collection
The Homeless Hospitality Center in New London is a place of safety and welcome to adults facing homelessness in southeastern Connecticut.
The Homeless Hospitality Center has a 40-bed overnight shelter, including a Respite Center for those confronting chronic or acute health issues, and is full nearly every night.
The Homeless Hospitality Center helps hundreds of people a year find a place to live. Virtually all of them have limited income and need help with basic necessities for setting up their new home. We are collecting household items for a Welcome Home Basket. The bulletin board in the fellowship hall near the stairs has a list all the items that we are collecting. We are asking everyone in the congregation to donate one or more items from the list. Tear off the item you are going to donate.
New London Homeless Hospitality Center collection for toiletries and backpacks.
We are collecting items through the end of December:
- Travel size shampoos and conditioners
- Soap
- Toothbrushes
- Toothpaste
- Razors
- Dental floss
- Shaving cream
- Lotion
- Combs
- Deodorant
- Alcohol free mouthwash
- Chapstick
- Socks
All children and youth attending Faith Formation programs need to be registered. Please use this link SUUS Faith Formation Registration 2023-2024 The link to registration can also be found on our website under Faith Formation forms.
The SUUS Faith Formation Team is looking forward to a year full of fun, collaboration, community spirit, and working together in love and compassion! Please contact Scott Swenson or Jennifer Swenson, FF Co-Chairs for further information. Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPad